Healthy Living Checklist

P3 app
The P3 app has transitioned to become a resource where students, faculty and staff can access information about COVID-19 and healthy living tips.
Face coverings
At FIU, we continue to recommend the use of face coverings.
The CDC relaxed its indoor face covering recommendations, indicating that in areas of low to medium COVID-19 risk, people may choose not to use a face covering indoors. However, if you test positive or have been exposed to someone who has tested positive or are immunocompromised, face coverings should be worn.
In addition, Gov. DeSantis has issued a new policy advising against the use of face coverings in businesses and community settings and suggesting a five-day isolation period for adults and children who test positive for COVID-19. In Miami-Dade County, Mayor Levine Cava announced that face coverings are no longer required indoors at county facilities, citing a significant decrease in COVID-19 positivity and hospitalization rates.
If you choose to wear a mask: When choosing a mask, look at how well if fits, how well it filters the air and how many layers it has.
- Make sure your mask fits snugly against your face. Gaps can let air with respiratory droplets leak in and out around the edges of your mask.
- Pick a mask with layers to keep your respiratory droplets in and others’ out. A mask with layers will stop more respiratory droplets getting inside your mask or escaping from your mask if you’re sick.
- Choose a mask with a nose wire. Nose wires prevent air from leaking out of the top of your mask. Bend the nose wire over your nose to fit close to your face.
- Use a mask fitter or brace. This will prevent air from leaking around the edges of the mask.
- Add layers of material. There are two ways to layer – use a cloth mask with multiple layers of fabric or wear one disposable mask underneath a cloth mask. (Note: The second mask should push the edges of the inner mask against your face for a more snug fit.)
- Make sure you can see and breathe easily.
- Combine two disposable masks. Disposable masks are not designed to fit tightly, and wearing more than one will not improve fit.
- Combine a KN95 mask with any other mask.